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Confessing and Praying the Word of God

Confessing and Praying the Word of God was inspired by my desire to have a daily personal meditation and confession of the word of God in a way that was deeper than what I was experiencing. It was birthed in my spirit at a time when I needed a more intimate relationship with God and for him to answer some needed prayers in my life. God inspired me to start writing these scriptures over twenty-five years ago for our family, friends, and various churches we would minister to. But recently, Father God instructed me to prepare these scriptures to impact the whole body of Christ.

Many countless hours, days, and nights have been spent before God, receiving his explicit instructions on different subjects and specific scriptures to use for this book. So I can say with a holy conviction that you are about to receive the very heart, purpose, and plan of God that will impact the rest of your life.